The 10th International Conference on Legionella

For Participants

On-site Registration

There is no reception for participants. You are requested to find your name tag at the entrance and wear it while you are in the congress venue.

Wi-Fi service

Free Wi-Fi is available in the congress venue.
*No password required

For Oral Speakers

On-site participants

Please visit PC preview desk at least 30 minutes before your session with USB flash drive or your own PC to register your presentation data.

Online presenters and chairs

Please confirm the instruction sent to you prior to the congress and join Zoom session at least 40 minutes before your session starts.

For Poster Presenters

On-site presenters

Poster put up: 13:00-18:30, September 20th
Poster presentation: 17:30-18:30, September 21st
Poster removal: 15:00-17:30, September 23rd

On-site presentation

Poster presentation will be in free discussion style. When it is time to present, please wait in front of your poster panel and make your discussion.

*If your poster is left on the panel after poster removal time, secretariat will remove and dispose the material.

E-poster Presenters

Your data submitted prior to the congress will be uploaded on the website to be viewed during the congress period, and there is no presentation in person nor Q&A session for your presentation.


There is no live streaming available for on-site poster presentations.

Online data streaming and viewing

All the sessions other than e-poster session will have live streaming of the session, but there will be no on-demand streaming after the congress.

How to view live streaming sessions and e-posters

You can view live streaming sessions and e-posters from "my page".

Please log in and access "my page".

Log in

Copyright © The 10th International Conference on Legionella All Rights Reserved.